Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic surgery to make the abdomen look slimmer. During this procedure, excess fat and skin are removed, and the muscles in the abdominal wall are tightened to create a more slender appearance. This procedure is less invasive than traditional surgeries, and the results can be dramatic. However, the procedure requires a team of trained professionals.

Less invasive procedure

abdominoplastyA less invasive procedure for abdominoplasty can produce similar results to a traditional abdominoplasty. The mini-abdominoplasty procedure does not require an incision at the navel but instead uses a thermal device to heat abdominal fat gently. The procedure is relatively safe and involves a compression bandage afterwards. The procedure effectively tightens abdominal muscles and creates a firmer abdominal wall. It also narrows the waistline.

This surgery can remove excess fat and tighten weakened belly muscles. Although this procedure effectively improves the appearance of a tummy, it can also be time-consuming and leave visible scarring. This makes it essential to investigate less invasive abdominoplasty alternatives before deciding. We explore the top three options to help you make the right decision. Regardless of your desired result, a procedure will work for you.

Requires interprofessional team

Abdominoplasty sometimes referred to as a “tummy tuck,” is an outpatient surgical procedure that removes excess tissue and skin from the abdomen. It is also a useful adjunct to weight loss. An interprofessional team is essential for the safety and care of patients, including identifying contraindications to abdominoplasty and postoperative management. Here, we describe the role of the surgical team in abdominoplasty.


There are numerous possible complications associated with abdominoplasty. The most common are superficial wound infections, infection-related mortality, and deep venous thrombosis. Patients with a high BMI are also at a higher risk of developing a thrombus. However, some of the most serious complications are less common and not as well known. However, all patients should know the risks associated with abdominoplasty before the procedure.

Although many patients are not at high risk for complications associated with abdominoplasty, certain patients should be warned that there is a chance that their results could be suboptimal. These patients can opt for a secondary abdominoplasty performed by the same surgeon or a different surgeon. Although this second surgery may come with increased risks and a slower recovery time, the results can still be quite impressive. Read on to learn more about the risks associated with secondary abdominoplasty.


The recovery process for abdominoplasty is usually about four to six weeks. In the case of patients who have their surgery performed above and below the navel, recovery may take up to six weeks. Patients who are active or have physically demanding jobs may be required to rest at home for a few weeks after the procedure. This is because breast reduction surgery is a major procedure. Therefore, patients should plan and make arrangements for the recovery period. Several days after the procedure, patients will have drains in their abdomens. They will be instructed on how to take care of these drains and follow their instructions for the anticoagulants. Patients will also wear an abdominal binder for at least six weeks after the surgery. This will help prevent fluid buildup and provide support to the abdominal area.

After the surgery, the patient should rest for at least four weeks. After the surgery, patients may resume non-strenuous activities such as walking or swimming. However, heavy lifting over twenty pounds is not recommended for a few weeks. It’s also important to refrain from vigorous exercises and contact sports to allow your body to heal properly. Failure to rest properly can result in complications or an unsatisfactory outcome.


An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic surgery that reduces the excess fat and skin in the abdomen. The procedure also tightens the muscles in the abdominal wall. The results are a flatter and slimmer abdomen. Many different types of abdominoplasty procedures are available, and the results vary. For the best results, abdominoplasty is best performed by a plastic surgeon.

The procedure takes around two to five hours, depending on the type of surgery. After surgery, patients should expect discomfort and swelling. A postoperative dressing should be used to ensure that the area remains clean. Afterwards, the patient should follow hospital instructions closely, including wearing pressure garments or tummy-control pants. Patients should expect a recovery time of two weeks. The procedure is generally painless, but it can cause some discomfort. Patients should take painkillers to ease the discomfort.