Supplement packaging holds a lot of power for health-conscious consumers. It can attract their attention and get them to reach out for your product over others on the shelf.

Several packaging types package supplements and nutrition materials such as bottles, jars, flat pouches, sachets, blister packs and multi-dose canisters.

  1. Branding

Creating a great label is important for your dietary supplement, as it will help to increase brand visibility and sell more products. It is especially true in the nutraceutical industry, where consumers spend little time deciding which product to purchase.

A well-designed, appealing PharmpacNZ supplement packaging design will catch the consumer’s eye and make them stop for a second look. It will also provide the information they need to decide about your product.

The most successful dietary supplement labels are simple, clean designs with no clutter or unnecessary details. It helps the consumer to easily scan through the product and identify key aspects of the formulation and efficacy claims.

In addition to this, the dietary supplement label must adhere to legal requirements. It includes displaying the proper amount of ingredients, dosage instructions and other legal information.

It is also recommended to include other beneficial information on the label that can increase brand transparency and boost consumer trust. It may include usage directions, storage suggestions and other useful information.

A branding agency specialising in health and wellness marketing can help ensure that your supplement labels meet all the necessary guidelines and are visually stunning. They can also help you to create an identity that will speak the language of your ideal customers and represent your values and mission.

Once you have an excellent branding strategy, you can develop a strong visual identity that will resonate with your target audience and leave them with an unforgettable impression of your brand. It will help increase your dietary supplement sales and grow your business.

  1. Convenience

The right supplement packaging is essential to the success of any supplement brand or manufacturer. It can retain existing customers, attract new ones, and help your brand stand out.

In today’s market, consumers are looking for convenience and easy-to-use products. For example, smaller pill and capsule formats, gummies, and travel-friendly sachets are all on the rise as consumers strive to fit their health into busy schedules.

Another trend is personalised supplements, allowing consumers to customise their health regimens. For example, Vitamin Shoppe and Persona offer customised vitamin plans based on a questionnaire on their website or through a personal recommendation from a doctor.

Personalised vitamin packages are convenient to use and add a layer of security that lets clients be confident that they’re taking the correct dosage. For example, OK Capsule aims to ensure that clients get the right nutrients by working with different suppliers and using customised vitamin regimes based on customer input.

The packaging also needs to protect the product so that it is safe to take and arrives at the consumer in excellent condition. The most effective way is using flexible packaging, which helps prevent moisture, mould, and oxidation.

It’s also important to consider your sustainability goals as customers become more environmentally aware. Blister packs and pill pouches are a good choice because they’re biodegradable and have less environmental impact.

It’s also important to ensure your labels are consistent with the rest of your packaging. Clashing colours or materials can create a confusing or negative consumer experience. To avoid this, choose a supplier that can provide consistent colour and material options for your nutraceutical packaging.

  1. Recyclability

Recyclable packaging is an important consideration in the nutraceutical industry. It helps minimise the environmental impact of packaging and reduces waste during transport and distribution while preserving the product’s integrity and protecting the consumer’s health.

Recyclable packaging also has the added benefit of being more cost-effective for supplement manufacturers than non-recyclable materials. It is because recycled products typically contain less material than their non-recyclable counterparts.

It is because they do not have to be manufactured from virgin materials, saving energy and resources. Recycling is also environmentally beneficial, preserving valuable natural resources and protecting the environment.

Plastic is popular for packaging supplements because it’s lightweight, chemically inert, and withstands high temperatures and pressure. In addition, it’s available in a wide range of colours and shapes.

Another option is packaging made from paper, which has a high recycling rate. The American Institute of Conservation estimates that recycling paper can save over 100 million trees, reduce greenhouse gases by reducing the need for oil-based fertilisers and cut water use by up to 70 percent.

Other options for supplement packaging include plastic bottles and jars, sachets, pouches, and standup bags. These are ideal for single-serving, powder-based supplements that are easy to carry.

Some manufacturers are even using biodegradable packaging. Casey Container, for instance, uses Eco-Pure, a proprietary additive designed to break down in 2 to 10 years, depending on the type of resin and package size, thickness and weight.

As the demand for supplements and nutraceuticals increases in Europe, packaging producers increasingly focus on designing and manufacturing sustainable products. These changes can be made by applying new technologies to the production process, leading to reduced product weight and packaging materials and lower carbon footprints throughout the supply chain.

  1. Colours

Colours are crucial to any product packaging design, and supplement labels are no exception. They’re a great way to grab consumers’ attention and make your products stand out.

Choosing the right colour can be a daunting task. It’s important to understand your target market and the product you’re trying to sell, as this will help you select the perfect combination of colours that will get you noticed.

The best supplement labels feature complementary and contrasting colours that make for an eye-catching display. For example, a bright blue and yellow label will give your product the visual presence it deserves while simultaneously highlighting the ingredients.

A well-placed white swoosh, or logo, can also highlight the product’s main ingredient, such as a vitamin C capsule. The best supplements also use a well-chosen font to ensure all your information is clear and easy to read.

Generally, a good colour scheme for your supplements should combine shades of green, orange and blue with a hint of red. The colours should also complement each other and not clash to ensure your products look their best.

Using the right colour scheme will boost your brand’s perceived quality and increase customer satisfaction in the long run. It is especially true if your supplements are designed with the latest technology or contain natural ingredients that are not easily available in bulk. The right colour scheme will also improve your chances of gaining a competitive edge against other manufacturers in the same price range. Choosing the right size for your bottle, sachet, or pouch is also a good idea.

  1. Ecological plastic

If you’re considering getting involved in the supplements industry, you should consider reducing your plastic footprint by choosing sustainable packaging. Almost nine billion tons of plastic are produced annually, 165 million of which are in our oceans.

It is why it’s so important to choose biodegradable and recycled materials. Ideally, it would be best to avoid single-use items at all costs.

Most companies, however, cannot do this, so they need to find an eco-friendly solution for their packaging. Fortunately, there are many ways to do this.

One great way is to use organic materials in the production process. For example, polylactic acid (PLA) and hydroxy alkanoate (HA) are both plant-based polymers that can be used for supplement packaging.

These eco-friendly materials are more cost-effective and release far fewer greenhouse gases. In addition, they can be composted in a matter of months or years.

While it’s still unclear what the ideal ecological plastic is, experts agree that some plastics are better for the environment than others. For example, PLA, derived from corn, uses less energy to produce than traditional plastics and emits far fewer greenhouse gases when it decomposes.

Another alternative is biodegradable plastics that break down in water and oxygen. Unlike regular plastics, these materials don’t need to be placed in special facilities and can be dropped in the trash.

Biodegradable and recycled plastics have become an increasingly popular choice for packaging because they offer several advantages over traditional materials. These include higher resale value and easier recycling. They can be made from various natural resources, including plant-based materials like eggshells and seaweed.